11:50    23/02/2025
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Sexual awareness -Herpes

0 Replie · 4 years ago

Some things in life we are not taking very seriously. The same thing is with sex, how many of you using protection in every intercourse? I believe the percentage is very low. There is one definition called STD and we will be talking about it on this topic.
What is the easiest STD to catch? It's called Herpes. Herpes is easy to get. ''All it takes to get it is skin to skin contact, including spots that a condom doesn't coverup. You're most contagious when you have blisters, cuts, or some small wounds but you don't need them to pass the virus along. Because herpes is a virus, and you can't cure it''

People infected generally heal in about 10 days. Some people experience slightly raised body temperature, headache, swollen glands, muscle aches, and abnormal vaginal discharge or pain when urinating. The virus hides and remains hidden. The infection can show up at any time and it can raise in the future. So now you know a little bit of what you have to pay attention to. Simple things like safe sex can save you from a lot of trouble, doctors, and discomfort in general. The condom should be used every time you had sex, regardless of your partner of choice. You never know do you have it or not if you are not tested, one more time, herpes as a virus can be in your organism even if you are not aware of it. So be responsible and protect yourself as well as others.

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