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0 Replie · 4 years ago

An aphrodisiac

An aphrodisiac is an ingredient that increases sexual desire (libido). There are many substances that are believed to have this property, but most are ineffective, and the results achieved often depend on how deeply an individual believes in them. Many so-called aphrodisiacs are harmless, but some are also poisonous, especially if taken in large quantities.
Cantharidin, a powder from a dried insect called "Spanish music", is very dangerous as an aphrodisiac; the use of cantharidin can have fatal consequences.
Alcohol, despite its first effect in boosting self-confidence and weakening inhibitions, has essentially a depressant effect. Patients suffering from impotence and other sexual problems should seek professional medical and psychiatric help. (Gr. afrodisios - which belongs to sexual pleasure) a means used to stimulate, to stimulate, increase sexual desire and increase a man's sexual power. Since ancient times, a large number of various aphrodisiacs have been known, many of which are still used today.
So many aphrodisiacs prove that none of these remedies are quite successful. This is because in the application of aphrodisiacs there is a misunderstanding between human prejudice and human physiology. Namely, people often associate the sexual urge with a man's sexual power, so they think that a man will automatically become more potent if his sexual desires increase.
It is true, however, that a man's potency cannot be manifested if he does not have sexual desire. But sexual desire alone is not yet enough for a man to be fully capable of sexual life. His sexual potency depends on a number of other factors, mostly of a psychological nature.
Therefore, stimulating a man's sexual desires only sometimes enhances his potency. But when a man is for any reason currently incapable of sexual intercourse, then he is often not helped by any aphrodisiac. Admittedly, he sexually irritates him, but that does not mean that his potency will return if he has not got rid of the previous reasons for his impotence.
In milder cases of sexual impotence, the reasons for which are purely psychological in nature, the aphrodisiac can, admittedly, help, but not in itself, due to some of its specific properties, but only on the basis of suggestion. Then any substance can act as an aphrodisiac if the person taking it believes in its specific action.
In primitive peoples and in ancient civilizations, and until recently in our culture, various aphrodisiacs were used with the purpose of arousing sexual interest in another person. Folk belief attributes the properties of aphrodisiacs, above all, to various dishes, e.g. eggs, fish, oysters, caviar, some types of cheese, onions, etc.
This also applies to some spices and condiments, such as cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla, etc. It is true that foods that contain a lot of protein, primarily those of animal origin, ie meat, cheese, eggs, etc., have a stimulating effect on the whole organism, and then on the sex drive. However, this does not mean that a man who, after a meal rich in proteins and various spices, felt an increased sexual desire will be more capable than usual to have sexual intercourse with a woman. The classic aphrodisiac is alcohol. It has a significant effect on increasing the sex drive, but it also does not guarantee that it will also increase sexual power. The same goes for some narcotics, especially cocaine and hashish.

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