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6 silly fabrications about sex

0 Replie · 4 years ago

6 silly fabrications about sex

Although we are constantly bombarded on all sides with educational stories about sex, there are still a few ingrained legends, for which many less experienced ladies are still not quite sure if they represent a myth or a reality.

It is possible to get pregnant during oral sex

Although this sounds so naive, believe it or not, a good portion of teenage girls are still convinced that this is true. The fact is that women cannot conceive if they satisfy a man orally, or even if they swallow sperm. The same goes for anal sex.

If he takes it out before he ejaculates, I'm safe

To the astonishment of a huge number of ladies, this is so far from the truth, that those who should be aware as soon as possible should immediately take action on the issue of protection against unwanted pregnancy. As soon as a man achieves an erection, his penis begins to secrete semen in which there are quite enough sperm that during penetration a woman can very easily remain in another state. If you have had unprotected sex and are not planning to have children, we recommend that you take the pill immediately the day after.

It's my first time, there's no way I'm getting pregnant

This is one of the oldest mythical grandmothers, which for extremely unclear reasons still survives. It is true that a girl can get pregnant during every sexual intercourse, no matter which way it is for her. To be safe, use a condom or pill, even when you engage in sexual activity for the first time.

His feet are big, which means he has a huge penis
His feet are big, which means he has a huge penis

This is another insulting nonsense that is constantly circulating in women's stories. It is completely unfounded to claim something like this. The length of his feet has nothing to do with his genitals. Lower men can be very gifted and vice versa…

There is no way I can get pregnant during menstruation

If you want an unplanned baby to happen to you, just go ahead. It is true that women who do not use contraception can get pregnant at any time during the cycle. If you really want to enjoy unprotected sex during those days, consult your gynecologist, who will help you get to know the processes that take place in your body as well as possible. However, remember that sperm can survive for a few days after sex, which means that it is possible for them to stay in your body long enough, even until your egg is completely ready for conception.

You have no hymen, you are not a virgin

It is a terrible foolish belief that an intact hymen is the only proof of a girl's innocence. This piece of tissue can be torn at any time, which does not have to have anything to do with sex. It is not uncommon for this to happen due to some great physical effort, riding a bike, riding a horse, and even swimming.

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