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AntiTabu - Why is female masturbation taboo?

0 Replie · 4 years ago

AntiTabu - Why is female masturbation taboo?

Vibrators seem to be everywhere. They were first celebrated by the ladies from the cult series Sex and the City, and now the entire Hysteria movie is dedicated to them; however, female masturbation is still a taboo subject.

The painting

While it’s important for women to unleash their sexuality, and vibrators play a significant role here, the question arises as to why all of a sudden so much hysteria around these sexy toys? Why did vibrators (which don’t exist since yesterday) suddenly gain so much importance; isn't it enough for women to just touch down there - and they don't need any battery-powered plastic for that.

Hysteria is a medical diagnosis attributed to women with uterine disorders that were accompanied by extreme emotional outbursts - which required medical treatment. During the 19th century, this treatment involved vibrators; so our chukunbaks needed a medical permit to masturbate.

Vibrators are still quite popular, although hysteria is no longer a viable medical diagnosis.

However, no matter how much we talk about vibrators and female masturbation - it is still a taboo topic in the world, although it certainly does not deserve it. It is believed that good girls do not do that.

With the increasing use of vibrators, they do not have to satisfy themselves, but for that they have various types of these sexy toys. But it seems that members of the fairer sex still need permission to masturbate.

They need to be approved for a credit card in the store and they must read carefully the instructions on the box that have it explaining how to merge with their deepest needs.

While this may not be true for all women, it seems that the popularity of vibrators is another case of conquering female sexuality in the market, instead of being celebrated and researched.

We hope that the day is near when female masturbation will be viewed as male. Women don’t need magical pink plastic to find pleasure; they need to know that it is okay, that it is more than okay to experience and enjoy one of the benefits of human beings.

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